Everything you need to know about Canadian PR in a single post

If you just landed on this site and are looking for PR related information, then be sure to go through this post which will take you through a typical PR journey and help you get to the info you need, faster. This page will be updated continuously so that you always have a single source or cheat sheet to refer to.

Stage 1: You are thinking about Canadian PR

Your friend just moved to Canada and you are curious (maybe even slightly envious) to know what life in Canada is all about. You want some perspective from someone who moved there and can give you a realistic commentary on everyday life. This section will either impress you or depress you, depending on the expectations you have built up.

Stage 2: You are excited and want to apply

You loved what you read about my experience. Did a quick fact check online, discussed with your family, firmed up your motivation and are convinced that moving to Canada is a good decision for you and/or yours. This section will tell you everything about the process, tips, and tricks to overcoming some obvious challenges.

Stage 3: You got your PR and are about to land

You slogged, struggled through the frustratingly long process, and finally earned your PR. You can’t wait to jump on the very next flight and land in Canada. You want to know if there is any planning involved, or things to keep in mind before doing so. Maybe there are some official steps involved post landing. This section will tell you all about the landing process.

Stage 4: You are finally here, let’s start building your life

You did what you had to in the first few weeks of landing. But now things are getting real. You need to find a job, a long-term accommodation, set things up so that you can begin to enjoy the kind of dream you had when you first thought about PR. This section is about hitting the ground running, and setting up your new life in Canada.

Stage 5: It is time to integrate, and have some fun

You have finally settled down, and are now eager to start exploring your city, and Canada in general. You also want to start fitting in more, and integrating with the Canadian society. You look forward to doing all things Canadian, and maybe even giving back to the community. This section is about capturing the essence of being Canadian, and developing a sense of belonging to a place you are going to call home soon.

Author: Sandeep Mishra

When I am working, a customer experience design practitioner and consultant; when am not - a traveller, photographer, dog lover, graphic designer and a tech enthusiast.

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